
Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

We have archived all responses to our discussion board and made them available here. For the time being, you can't make any new replies, but we may decide to open it up again if we decide that we miss making fun of Silverchair fans.

View Threads137 - 128127 - 118117 - 108
107 - 9897 - 8887 - 7877 - 68
67 - 5857 - 4847 - 3837 - 28
27 - 1817 - 87 - 1
Another item by MIke on Thu May 31, 2001 05:11
I just noticed this... by Brian on Mon May 28, 2001 16:16
Even though we can't BE Daniel Johns... by Shana on Sat May 26, 2001 20:34
Question by CrackNut on Sat May 26, 2001 15:41
Daniel Johns song by Shana on Sat May 26, 2001 07:13
silverballon by Chris on Fri May 25, 2001 15:50
testing this out... by anthony (of ysib) on Fri May 25, 2001 01:39
View Threads137 - 128127 - 118117 - 108
107 - 9897 - 8887 - 7877 - 68
67 - 5857 - 4847 - 3837 - 28
27 - 1817 - 87 - 1