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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

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Thread 115

yea silverchairs pretty gay..BUT WHAT ABOUT AFI THEY ROCK YA by leah harris on Sat Jun 5, 2004 16:54
..jesus. just talking about silverchair and daniel johns makes me sick. its true all of the people who listened to them usually listend to britney spears. and they became mainstreem. ...BUT AFI RICK YEA!!! THERE THE MOST AMAZING BAND EVER!!! I HOPE THEY DONT TURN MAINSTREEM. OOO I'LL CRY IF THEY DO. all i can see is scary "punkey girls" walking around with pink nail polish and an afi shirt...then my beloved band will just be simply "afi" not "a fire inside". please those true afi fans, please support afi and deminish the teenys. please help keep afi pure : (
AFI you have got to be kidding by edward on Wed Sep 22, 2004 20:10
If you think that a pathetic band like AFI are amazing than you have no idea what good music is because they are and always will be mainstream. Afi is shit. AFI is nothing but a big plot of some stupid corporation to make you belive that if you listen to this crappy band then you will be punk or emo or whatever crappy label they fall into. For your sake save yourself and go out and buy or download some good music.
Re: yea silverchairs pretty gay..BUT WHAT ABOUT AFI THEY ROC by Jill on Sat Jun 12, 2004 15:30
"afi rick ya?" ..right on. i think afi are already mainstreem. i mean...they have had two sucessful music videos, and there are crazy teenys running around with afi shirts and doing the whole "davey havok" thing. I think they were best at being an indie band. usually when you sign with a major record label like dreamworks the artist tends to slack off, and they have all the high tech thingers. so the music dosnt sound as pure. music isnt suppose to sound perfect. and I have found that sing for sorrow has too much perfection opposed to there albums in the past. It's easy to use synthesizers to make lots of money and be rich and famous. But it's not easy to make original, real art.
uh.. by shane on Tue Jun 8, 2004 12:38
uh...AFI's last album was quite commercially released, it was on sale at best buy for quite a while, and it had a pretty successful music video on mtv. shit, they must have sold out, they have a music video!