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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 51

I haven't even heard the song yet by Jon Sucks on Sun Mar 24, 2002 06:24
The way that i look at it is that everyone is entitled to an opinon just because you're in a band doesn't mean that you can't or shouldn't voice your opinon on whom and what ever you please. If you think silverchair suck thats your opinon and people should respect that its a personal prefrence its kinda strange how people get so freaked out when a person voices an opinon that is different from there own. Its also strange that people care that much about a song or group in the first place. well there you go i am a silverchair fan but i am by no means going to be pissed off because you're not that seems rather imature... Thanx for your time and keep rocking and enjoy your selves thats what its all about