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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 9

Dude, who cares... by Renee on Thu May 31, 2001 14:49
Dear YISB (or whatever it is), I read your responses to all of the Silverchair email things and I must say that you do have a point. Four years ago was a long time ago, people should lay off. I believe that you owe a lot of your "stardom" (for lack of a better word) to Silverchair. If you would have never wrote that song (which by the way, is pretty sucky, I mean there isn't a good chorus, or lyrics, putting all Daniel Johns shit aside) anyways, I and I'm sure thousands of others wouldn't of heard of your band. I mean, fuck, the only reason I'm writing this is so I can prove you wrong that all Silverchair fans are idots. Which, reading the hate mail, I realize that a lot of them are, but they don't have bad taste in music. And the whole thing about making fun of Daniel Johns because he's anorexic is pretty shitty. You've got to admit that. Besides hes not the only male who has anorexia. My older brother died of anorexia 2 years ago. I've found that it is compforting to listen to Silverchair's music and know that he was not alone. I wish that he could have lived to hear Ana's Song. I might have helped him a great deal. Please take this in to consideration when you write other songs. -Renee California