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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 89

Hahaha by Ty on Fri May 23, 2003 10:37
That is the most retarded song I've ever heard. I'm a huge Silverchair fan, but frankly, I couldn't care less if you made fun of them. Your opinion on them shouldn't, and doesn't affect the way I feel about their music. But common, that song was so bad. Atleast admit that your vocalist sounds like Joel(SickBoy)(from Good Charlotte if you don't know your music) with nasal congestion! Haha, I don't understand how Silverchair fans could take this so seriously. This band is obviously lame. Take it with a grain of salt. Hahah, you guys are horrible. Absolutely horrible.
Re: Hahaha by Chris on Fri Oct 31, 2003 04:57
Anyone who "knows [their] music" would know enough not to pay enough attention to Good Charlotte to know what the lead singer's name is, or what character from Trainspotting he copied his nickname from.
Re: Hahaha by Tiffany on Sun Jun 8, 2003 07:20
That's right!!!
Re: Hahaha by shane on Sat May 24, 2003 10:50
why the hell would we admit that? when we wrote this song, good charlotte didn't exist. their first album came out in 2000, we wrote this song in 1997 or 1998. and they suck even more ass than silverchair, why would we want to emulate his voice? having taken no singing lessons (and really not expecting half of the world's silverchair fans to hear it), i was 18 and didn't have the best idea how to construct the vocals in a song -- just kinda did it and hoped it worked out. it came out pretty nasally, but whatev -- i wouldn't take this song if were auditioning for a singing gig or something, that's for sure, it's just a silly little punk song. i'm glad you could care less about what we think about silverchair, cuz we could care less what you care about silverchair as well. this wasn't a public service announcement to try and get people to not like silverchair -- if someone decided they didn't like silverchair after having listened to this song, i would definitely advise them to get counseling -- this was just us having fun making fun of a band we didn't much care for. and finally, we never understood how silverchair fans could take this so seriously either; we recorded it on a laptop with cool edit pro in a family room (and that laptop was pretty annoying, with pauses and skips when we were trying to record..GRR!). thus why it's so easy to make fun of anyone who puts their neck out here on this messageboard..we're not valuing our music as "works of art," i mean it was fun and all but it didn't provide nearly as much entertainment as all these posts and signings have.