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Commentsi haven't signed the guestbook in a while so here is a little bit of news about me my grandmother starved herself to death my girlfriend cheated on me my parents got a divorce i got kicked out of school and i have cancer
Does this message contain sarcasm?not really sarcasm, just more like complete lying
Date5/15/2000 20:37:06
Locationheartland of America
Commentsi've never heard your music, and i didn't mean to come upon your site, but here i am. there's a band in my neighborhood that i'm kinda in with my brother and boyfriend, but we kinda suck. like you really care.
Favorite YSIB songi don't know
Most attractive YSIB memberchris
Does this message contain sarcasm?nope
Date5/14/2000 14:57:16
Commentsalthough i have not heard u guys yet u sincerly look like a bunch of geeks who have come straight out of a cows rectum. secondly good luck making music because i feel as though it's the kind shit that aint gonna get anywhere. See ya geeks best regards the bastard (all the way from aust)
Favorite YSIB songdon't give a fuck
Most attractive YSIB memberall of them ( i'm sure they have no trouble picking up girls at all.....he he he!!)
Does this message contain sarcasm?no it contains facts of life!
Date5/14/2000 14:50:54
Commentsi would just like to say that even though i havent heard a single ysib note of music, i am quickly becoming a supporter of you guys. i too am in a band. we also have a percussion plus drum set, with a heavy duty kicker. i also started out playin bass on an old crappy bass that i borrowed from my friends dad. we also have a bazillion songs. we also dont play traditional punk. when i read your site, i was freaked out about how similar we are. please e mail me and ill send you a copy of our
Favorite YSIB song?
Most attractive YSIB member?
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date5/12/2000 19:08:06
CommentsSorry, i meant to say havent been here in awhile, i just dont want you guys to make fun of my grammer.
Date5/11/2000 19:58:29
CommentsHave been here in awhile, forgot how funny you guys were, if you guys ever play a show again, make sure to tell me, cause i wanna go
Favorite YSIB songi dont know any
Most attractive YSIB membershane of course
Does this message contain sarcasm?oh yeah, everything in the comments section
Date5/11/2000 19:57:49
CommentsWell,Well,Well its about time somebody gives this little comercial rock scene a kick in the ass and wipe out the Britneys and aguileras keep me tabbed on hoe you do and if you want to play dublin for a giggle e-mail.
Favorite YSIB songI have no idea can't make up my mind
Most attractive YSIB memberWell bad news I'm straight
Does this message contain sarcasm?fraid not , now stop reading this and kick ass
Date5/11/2000 18:44:18
CommentsChris I do like you and you know that. It just isn't like Taryn says.
Date5/10/2000 21:23:26
Commentsim..............a................................j erkface.
Favorite YSIB songyou are so me
Most attractive YSIB membertaylor hanson
Does this message contain sarcasm?mmmmmbop
Date5/10/2000 21:23:14
Locationburlington wa
Commentsi think you should go for heather she really wants you she wont stop talking about you. do a favor and fuck her atleast or something alright?
Favorite YSIB songfdfsdfs
Most attractive YSIB membersdfsdfsdfsdf
Does this message contain sarcasm?dfsdfsdf
Date5/10/2000 21:19:10
Commentstaryn wrote the one BELOW
Date5/10/2000 21:17:35
Locationburlington wa
Commentsive been meaning to tell you this for a while chris.i've been madly inlove since we made out that one night by the grand koulie dam. i now your in college now and probably meeting lots of pretty girls but consider us as a couple please, and get back to me.pleease!!!
Favorite YSIB songi love chris
Most attractive YSIB memberi love chris
Does this message contain sarcasm?i love chris
Date5/10/2000 21:17:14
Locationsmackit mackrckit
CommentsI am 5'9", I have green eyes I live behind The big "K"
Date5/10/2000 21:12:19
Nameta r y up n
Locationhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-that was cool wasnt tit?
Commentsif every pop-up was called a poop-up life would be perfect...who's with me now? lets start a revolution people!
Favorite YSIB songmmmmmmmmmmmbop
Most attractive YSIB memberdonkashay whoa whoa donkashay
Does this message contain sarcasm?click on this poop up to find out...
Date5/10/2000 21:10:00
Nametrntarynytntary t---a---r---y---n---???
Locationbbuuurlingtonn wwwaaasshhhiiiinnggggtttpppmmmn
Commentsmmmmmbopbadobadopbadooobopdoobidopbadoopbopbadopbi dopbadoo-ooo-ooo yeah.i DO NOT want to fuck chris 's brains out that was just heather.
Favorite YSIB songmmmmbop
Most attractive YSIB membersam
Does this message contain sarcasm?mmmmmbop
Date5/10/2000 20:56:00
CommentsI love chris!!!!!!! I want to fuck his brains out!!
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date5/10/2000 20:54:50
Commentsmy hair is purple and so on and so on and so on.
Favorite YSIB songoops poops fruit loops
Most attractive YSIB membersam
Does this message contain sarcasm?oops poops fruit loops buddy what do you think?
Date5/10/2000 20:24:31
Commentsu guys r so kool
Favorite YSIB songwhatever
Most attractive YSIB memberthe one with the blonde hair..steve or something
Does this message contain sarcasm?yes
Date5/6/2000 19:07:03
Locationnew jersey
Commentsu guys seem cool
Favorite YSIB songi havent heard any really but ur lyrics seem cool
Most attractive YSIB memberi dunno ur names
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date5/4/2000 23:37:40
CommentsYippie dippie dee Yippie dippie do I would like to eat some poo!!!!
Favorite YSIB songla
Date5/4/2000 17:07:41
Date5/4/2000 17:04:28
Nametaryn t-a-r-y-n
Locationjesus thats loud
Commentsaustrailian boys are soooooo hot.austrailia boys are hot. austrailian boys are hot.australian boys are hot australian boys are hot. australian boya are hot.australian boys are hot. australian boys are hot. australian boys are hot. australian boys hot.
Favorite YSIB songaustralian boys are hot
Most attractive YSIB memberaustrailian boys are hot
Does this message contain sarcasm?australian boys are hot
Date5/3/2000 21:18:20
Commentsits a conspiracy dammit. i know oh oh i know aaallll about it.every time i go to make and entry in this damn guestbook it doesnt show up. youve blocked me out and i dont have to take it. oh ill get my revenge oh yes!!!!!(sinister laughing)
Favorite YSIB songfhghfghfghhhhh
Most attractive YSIB memberhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Does this message contain sarcasm?hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Date5/3/2000 21:06:05
Commentsookie pookie shnookie wookie lookie bookie nookie hay nay ray may okay way gay jay bay lay say pay day dismay.olie smallie rollie. stupid, i know. just leave me in my dark place.
Favorite YSIB songoooh oooh oh-thats how it goes
Most attractive YSIB membersam
Does this message contain sarcasm?sam
Date5/3/2000 21:01:15
CommentsI am a lesbian, but I still think Chris is hot!!!!!! Heather says Hi to Chris.
Favorite YSIB songDrivers ED
Most attractive YSIB memberChris
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date5/3/2000 20:43:05
NameAuntie ~J~
LocationOver here....
CommentsJust thought I'd slip over and see if Brian was wearing a sweater.
Favorite YSIB songThe one where Brian did that thing with the guitar...or, Someone Sucks And His Name is You
Most attractive YSIB memberThe drum kit - without question
Does this message contain sarcasm?Not in "quotes"
Date5/3/2000 05:15:06
Nameyeah, i have one..
Commentsi figured i should sign because i don't like dr pepper but if you cut a little hole on the other bottom side and drink it that way it tastes alright but it only works with dr pepper it tastes the same if u try it with something like coke or pepsi so don't bother trying cos you'll just waste your time.
Favorite YSIB songthe one where you did that thing - yeah, that one..
Most attractive YSIB memberme! i am the lost member of YSIB
Does this message contain sarcasm?| no, it does contain sarcasm |
Date5/1/2000 01:19:39
Nameyou guys fucking suck
Locationinside your fat homosexual asses
Commentsi dont even like silverchir you guys just suck. Why do you think youre punk rock. Punk sounds good your lead singer sounds like somes stepping on his nuts. your drummer sounds like hes beating on trash cans with dildos. Your guitarist... dont even get me started i could hand a guitar to a 2 year old deaf kid and he could play better than you. oh and your bassist.. just plain blows. yeah make sure you do good in school cuz you wont get anywhere w/ your music. Oh and dont forget to DIE !!!!!
Favorite YSIB songthey all sound like someone shitting on a tape recorder
Most attractive YSIB memberyou all look like you have penis's up your ass ,oh ,and your gay
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date4/30/2000 01:23:15
LocationWashington(20 mins from fed way)
CommentsThe guys don't check their guestbook or email often do they? I didn't think so. Maybe they do and just don't reply(HINT, HINT)
Favorite YSIB songMustard on My Mouth, KISUX, and the lyrics to "Don't Wanna Be"
Most attractive YSIB memberIdunno, haven't met any of them. I could be like everyone else and say Shane...
Does this message contain sarcasm?not really(wow, a message from me...without sarcasm.....must change that: U R SO NOT PUNK...better)
Date4/28/2000 04:49:10
Commentsyay the banners are gone
Date4/27/2000 19:00:30
CommentsHey! Someone's not sending me an adress to send cash to for the cd(hint*cough*hint). If you are reading this b4 May 19, grab a copy of "Pseudo-Punk!" and jet to Helmer's music in Fed. Way, and give it to them. PLEASE!!! It's so you can play at "Pain in the Grass" this summer!!! *Oh, yeah, u are so not punk!*
Favorite YSIB songthat one with the guitar and the"Don't Wanna Be" is kewl!!!
Most attractive YSIB memberYou all look like, um, idunno, I haven't met u guys! O, u want me to say Shane, don't u!
Does this message contain sarcasm?*NO, OF COURSE NOT....wink wink*
Date4/26/2000 04:45:03
CommentsChris, I got bored in class so I thought I would sign this. Email me soon Chris! Love you!!!!!!
Most attractive YSIB memberChris
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date4/24/2000 19:20:05
NameGeorge Johnson
Commentsgod damn you guys are pathetic. and how the fuck did you come up with the name mustard on my mouth. Why should i, because? what the fuck does that mean? are you gay? im sorry but music isnt for you, go back to school, get a life , you suck. and why does the lead vocalist sound like someone is stepping on his nuts all the time? nice pa system. damn, my 10 year old brother's band is better than you guys.
Favorite YSIB songthey all fucking blow
Most attractive YSIB memberyour all gay
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date4/24/2000 18:15:12
NameAriella & Amy
CommentsFirst of all... ur not cooler than us... and ur page sux... and ur a lame punk band... but good luck cause u have the fuckin best band name ever (were serious) KRISH KROSH!!!
Favorite YSIB songHavent even listened to anythin u wrote
Most attractive YSIB memberAMY & ARIELLA
Does this message contain sarcasm?TAKE A GUESS!!!
Date4/23/2000 02:31:35
CommentsI was being kind when i said you werent very good you guys fucking blow give up you dont hace talent im sorry but you dont
Favorite YSIB songthey all suck
Most attractive YSIB memberyoure all funny looking
Does this message contain sarcasm?umm you suck
Date4/22/2000 05:17:10
Commentsummmm you arent very good
Date4/22/2000 05:11:34
NameThe Real Alex Clark
CommentsHey, somebody is abusing my good name. I didn't say that stuff. But that doesn't mean I don't think it's true! HAHAHA. Just kidding. Actually "Opening" Song is one of my favorites. Next time use somebody else's name, please. Thanks.
Favorite YSIB songFruiti-o's
Most attractive YSIB memberChris' foot
Does this message contain sarcasm?a little
Date4/20/2000 06:34:55
NameAlex Clark
CommentsI never liked you, and I love Silver Chair. Your beats are crap and repetitive and your lead vocalist should be beaten with his own abused guitar.
Favorite YSIB songOpening Song ~ It sucks, but its short.
Most attractive YSIB memberYou guys are literalist MATH NERDS.
Does this message contain sarcasm?Not really.
Date4/19/2000 23:40:27
Commentsyou guys suck. Why the fuck would you make a song called mustard on my mouth. That has got to be the gayest minute of listening to music i have ever experienced. I hope you sorry talentless losers die horrible deaths, and may god have mercy on your souls.
Favorite YSIB songnone, they suck
Most attractive YSIB memberlol haha
Does this message contain sarcasm?no i mean ever fucking word
Date4/18/2000 20:11:39
NameBridget Garcia
CommentsHey Shane dawg!'s life? Well, I just checked out your guyz page and it's actually pretty awesome! Whoever put it together did a really good job. I like it. I also just read a bunch of the entries in your old guestbook. Man, so many are really mean to you guys...saying that silverchair rules and stuff. Personally, I like silverchair, but I love your song about daniel. Well, i don't have much to say...except....when are we gonna hang out? I miss you tons...
Favorite YSIB songthe daniel johns one
Most attractive YSIB memberbrian rogers...without a doubt
Does this message contain sarcasm?noooo..................................yesssssssss sssssss.........
Date4/17/2000 20:46:46
Commentshm....what's with the advertisements? i saw them earlier. but i wasn't willing to sign your guestbook and tell you guys are sellouts until now. ha ha ha ha ha what an idiot i am. SELLOUTS! you guys wish you could sell out
Favorite YSIB song?
Most attractive YSIB member?
Does this message contain sarcasm?yes and i thought i made it clear in the comments block
Date4/16/2000 04:30:38
Locationa place
Commentshi this is anthony i fucked shane last night haha i am drunk i shouldn get drunk haha oh yeah and we all lurve daniel johns he is sexy did i mention i fucked him too
Favorite YSIB songall of the especially the daniel johns one coz he is sexy
Most attractive YSIB memberme oh yeah....and shane baby
Does this message contain sarcasm?no fucking way
Date4/15/2000 10:41:48
NameChEaP sLuT
Commentswhy hello sexyass god...i've slept with all of you and YOU ALL have REALLY big god...ohhh yes and the sex was FANTASTIC..on a score of 1-10 you were to all those girls who seem to be "going out" with these 4 boyz...ha. they paid me 10c so they could fuck me...naughty naughty gonna have to SPANK YOU
Favorite YSIB songummm no song but the SEX is MY fave
Most attractive YSIB memberchris...shane...anthony....brian...ooohhhh
Does this message contain sarcasm?what does "sarcasm" mean? i was brought up on the STREETS not a damn SCHOOL
Date4/15/2000 10:35:42
NameJamie Collins
LocationPuyallup, Washington
CommentsHey Shane, dis is your girl Jamie.....hey nice picture of you and your band (hahaha)! Your too funny and if you get lucky one day.... also cute! :o) love ya chump....give me a call, we need to hang out again! love ya, Jamie
Favorite YSIB songUmm i dunno
Most attractive YSIB memberUmmm maybe Shane but im not sure.
Does this message contain sarcasm?WHAT, HUH, WHO??????
Date4/15/2000 04:35:12
CommentsSILVERCHAIR my favourite band. But, y'know what? I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT SONG!!!I personally think it's fuckin funny. Anyway,I'm putting u on my page as my "upcoming band of the week." Oh yeah, Ur not punk. And u look like Star Wars-action figure-buying Trekkies....
Favorite YSIB song"Don't Wanna Be(Daniel Johns)" "Mustard on my Mouth" and "We are So Punk Rock" are also pretty funny
Most attractive YSIB memberI thought I sed u all looked like trekkies...
Does this message contain sarcasm?Yeah......don't make me point it out...
Date4/15/2000 03:42:39
Name* *katie* *, the underage chick
Commentsi've never heard the band, but shane is a really nice guy! i bet the band rocks. someday i hope to hear some ysib!
Favorite YSIB songnever heard one! help me out, someone?
Most attractive YSIB memberS H A N E
Does this message contain sarcasm?not at all
Date4/12/2000 03:39:56
CommentsYou SUck
Favorite YSIB songYou Suck Ass Hairs through your nose
Most attractive YSIB memberThere all ugly flem balls
Does this message contain sarcasm?kinda
Date4/11/2000 05:46:53
Locationmy mothers uterus
Commentsok so there were these elephants and they were angry cuz they just happened to be constipated and i need attention so tell me im pretty tell me im thin because some times the world looks purple and mermaids swim i my head so if you happen to be out there fill you comment box about what im preaching here today. so dont just stand there hungry come in and get fed up with alice in wonderland adventures why cant the world be more like ice cream and less like cowpies my nose flew into the pizza and n
Favorite YSIB songwhy does it matter when the man is cutting down rain forests in borneo?
Most attractive YSIB memberi will refrian for trying to sound all witty like the rest of the sheep how over lap themselves
Does this message contain sarcasm?i honestly would like to know why you ask this question. is it because you ar
Date4/10/2000 19:59:05
Commentshuzzah! recording the new album, eh? sweet. i might actually order this one. sure. just thought i'd stop by and say hi. HI! um..contrary to popular belief, you don't have to try hard to get a 1.0 gpa.
Favorite YSIB songthe one
Most attractive YSIB memberi'd have to say....
Does this message contain sarcasm?my name is Ford Prefect. what do you think?
Date4/9/2000 05:51:41
CommentsI am a silverchair fa, but your song about Daniel Johns is the best . you guys kick ass
Favorite YSIB songDon't wanna be
Date4/8/2000 07:16:26
NameLord Larin of the Snowmen
CommentsYOU SUCK..... Queers
Does this message contain sarcasm?NO
Date4/5/2000 19:26:30
Locationlike.. maine
CommentsI haven't actually heard any of the songs.. I looked at some lyrics. They are funny.. can I be a groupie? I would like to be president of the groupies. I can organize groupie meetings with lots of orgies and stuff.. and no silverchair cause apparently you hate them.. ?
Favorite YSIB songSomeone Sucks (His Name Is You)
Most attractive YSIB memberSHANE!
Does this message contain sarcasm?maybe.
Date4/5/2000 00:30:17
Locationi dunno
Commentsyeah, guys hate silverchair. fair enough, but could you at least give them the respect and spell their name right? its "silverchair" not "Silverchair"...anywayz, your songs rule and this webpage kicks ass!! love always suz
Date4/3/2000 06:45:30
Commentsi used to be a chair fan they used to light up my day but now i think they're fucking pricks and that daniel johns is gay yeah do u like my poem its all true and its a very good poem dont you think well since you guys like swearing fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckand you like being told you aren't punk (You are NOT punk..) this letter just sucks. ps write to me i am bored as you can see all i do with my spare time is download mp3s and write in the bands guestbook oooh what an inte
Favorite YSIB songDont wanna be (daniel johns)
Most attractive YSIB memberchrisssssssssssssssssssssss
Does this message contain sarcasm?ummMMMM maybeeeee
Date4/2/2000 09:18:37
Namedumb guy
Commentshey chairfan, i bet they wouldn't mind having your sister doing the vocals for daniel johns, since she slept with all of them for a moderate fee.
Favorite YSIB songasdfjl
Most attractive YSIB memberlj;kasdf
Does this message contain sarcasm?ljsdfk;a
Date4/2/2000 00:00:24
NameA Chairfan again
CommentsI tough the lyrics for Don't wanna be (Daniel Johns) are funny but the guy who sings it...(I don't know your fucking name, ok) has such an horrible voice!!! Even my sister can sing better than you! oh the guys who play the song suck either. Here's something for you all in the band: "Shut up and just write the fucking songs, ok!? Kisses to all of you.
Favorite YSIB songI really don't like your songs...
Most attractive YSIB memberYou are as ugly as someone can be...
Does this message contain sarcasm?Discover it by yourself!
Date4/1/2000 22:01:21
Locationwhy should i tell you then id end up getting stalked again
Commentsbonshuorno! como talli voue?palivoue france?no?ok then.yeah some stuff happened and now im stuck in sticky tar and theres this elephant coming-he looks constipated. my flew and blew in the dirt and yet i am still stuck. im also desperate for attention so some one, any one comment about my comment or implode. tell me im pretty. tell me im thin.
Favorite YSIB songjesus christ there are worse things goin on in the world than mad hijinas
Most attractive YSIB memberi find all boys wonderful. they are so much BETTER than chicks.
Does this message contain sarcasm?i am a girl i am a girl
Date3/31/2000 21:04:11
Commentson me or did you even care, can't we be can't we be, can't we be friends? till the end till the end till the eh eh eh eh end." and so on
Favorite YSIB songnone
Most attractive YSIB memberthat would be gay of me
Does this message contain sarcasm?none at all
Date3/30/2000 02:56:52
Commentsyou guys might be ok if you had better lyrics. you need to quit tying to rhyme everything, and start writing down what you actually want to, not what rhymes. But you can rhyme once in a while if it is what you wanted to say anyways. It may look stupid, but it will sound great. Look at most of the great punk bands' lyrics, the coolest parts don't rhyme. for instance, lyrics from my band are "why did you spit your boose on me,? didn't you know that i was there? why did you spit your boose
Favorite YSIB songnone
Most attractive YSIB memberthat would be very gay of me
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date3/30/2000 02:54:24
CommentsChris you are so cute! Come and visit me this summer.
Most attractive YSIB memberCHRIS
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date3/24/2000 20:05:42
CommentsJust wanted to stop by and say hey! .. Saw shane last night at dreamLand.. what a hottie! hehe... well love ya boy~
Most attractive YSIB memberSHANE
Does this message contain sarcasm?nope
Date3/19/2000 16:53:03
CommentsI just want to say that I am a Huge sc fan, they are my fave. But I have to admit that you guys kinda rock. But you DO contradict yourselves. You say that punk rock is doing what you want palying what you want...etc. But that's what dj is doing and you say he isn't punk rock (not that he ever said he was other that sacasticly) And about how Anthony said how the PM lyrics didn't make sense (or if your large or small) He means Adults or children and I hope to god that you got that and said what yo
Favorite YSIB songall but the sc one
Most attractive YSIB memberSHANE IS HOT!!!!!!
Does this message contain sarcasm?Not really
Date3/18/2000 22:36:43
NameJamie Collins
LocationPuyallup WA
CommentsI still love you Shane!!!!
Most attractive YSIB memberSHANE
Date3/18/2000 06:59:52
NameIan Donkeypunch
LocationWhere the BAnshees scream and the spirits dwell
Favorite YSIB songCrazy TRAin
Most attractive YSIB memberDavid HAsselHoff
Does this message contain sarcasm?probably. But you really do taste like soap
Date3/17/2000 15:53:22
Locationcin cin nati
Commentswhat's going down? aight daz tight. damn niggaz, ware be yo new shit? we gotsta got new sheeeat biotch! bye sexy studs
Favorite YSIB songi can't even remember
Most attractive YSIB memberi don't remember their names anymore
Does this message contain sarcasm?yes, and if you think i'm a racist fuck you
Date3/14/2000 21:25:31
LocationPuyallup, WA.
CommentsI Just wanted to stop by and say "Hey"
Most attractive YSIB memberShane
Does this message contain sarcasm?Nope
Date3/12/2000 00:48:09
LocationThomas Jefferson (rocks)
CommentsI just wanted to say hi. How is everybody? You're all bastards for not returning my emails, but that's okay, I haven't emailed you. Update the news page!
Favorite YSIB songAndy Dong, because he sucks a schlong!
Most attractive YSIB memberI had sex with Chris. gay sex.
Does this message contain sarcasm?oh does it ever
Date3/11/2000 06:33:51
LocationFederal way, WA
Commentssweet page yo. it kix major a$$.
Most attractive YSIB memberShane
Does this message contain sarcasm?nopers
Date3/9/2000 02:31:18
NameBlood Alley Accident
CommentsWHOOPS! I wrote my band's name as "Blood Alley crashers" instead of Blood Alley accident! my mistake!
Date3/4/2000 00:36:21
NameBlood Alley Crashers
Commentshey... go to my band's website and download our songs. they're good.
Favorite YSIB songdon't wanna be
Most attractive YSIB memberdaniel johns... wait... you mean he's not in ysib?
Does this message contain sarcasm?uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuhuhhhhhhhhhhhhuh
Date3/4/2000 00:33:07
Commentsme agian. in 5th boring. at least your little website keeps me occupied. weel n-e-ways chris, youre hot. shane, you to. well guess thats it.(till tomorrow)
Favorite YSIB songyou that one that goes dah dah dah
Most attractive YSIB memberyou pick one for me
Does this message contain sarcasm?doesnt it though?
Date3/1/2000 21:31:57
LocationID, usa
CommentsI see your still getting bashed about your SC song haha now I do admit I'm a big SC fan but I do have to say it's good to see a band having fun these days. It's not often you see a band just having some fun with their music,It's kind of a relief . but you do get to see what kind of sense of humor some of the people have that sign you guestbook haha they let the littlest things bother them. Life's to short to get so pissed of over a song. Well that all I've got to say later LeQuita
Favorite YSIB songhave only heard one so far but planning on checking out the others
Most attractive YSIB memberhaven't seen a pic of you guys yet
Does this message contain sarcasm?If you want to take it that way, what ever make your day haha
Date2/29/2000 17:31:39
CommentsHeee-yah! I was looking through my 'favourites' folder and stumbled across Shane's homepage...Hello, do I even remember how it got there? WHY it's there? I think I've had it for about three-and-a-half years...It's still a mystery. I followed it to this one, and I am intrigued...keep on rawkin', boys!
Most attractive YSIB memberHotties all! Cute little American boys
Does this message contain sarcasm?Of a very subtle nature...
Date2/29/2000 05:23:04
NameBecky Swanson
CommentsI was just doing some research on my computer about music and i read your little thing that says this is our web site and it sucks well i have seen worse!!!!! it looks like your a pretty cool band, plus who cares it must be fun right? well G/G chow!!
Favorite YSIB songi am sorry to say but i have never heard of your music but i would be more than happy to !!
Most attractive YSIB memberi think the one on the way left is!! well bye now
Does this message contain sarcasm?no!!!!!! : )
Date2/29/2000 02:18:40
Locationsouth boston ma (just like laura below me) that sounded dirty :P
CommentsYOU ALL FUCKING SUCK YOU BUNCH OF FUCKING NERDS!!!! DORKS! nah...just kidding. but you guys are soooo not punk. who the hell do you think you are calling yourselves punks. fuck you and you fucking "punk" band. you all fucking suck. BUT THATS WHY YOU KICK ASS! oh...sorry, that was supposed to be KISS ass. "...And the Punks shall unite, rise up, and rule the world." (was that good enough for you guys? i know you have rules and everything about signing your precious guestbook)
Favorite YSIB songnone
Most attractive YSIB memberyour dogs
Does this message contain sarcasm?just a little bit
Date2/29/2000 01:03:27
Locationboston, ma
Commentsi like silverchar, but that song rules. keep rockin
Favorite YSIB songthe sc one
Most attractive YSIB memberdunno, i got this link from someone
Does this message contain sarcasm?nope
Date2/28/2000 21:58:59
Commentsok, so i'm another silverchair fan that's going to comment on your daniel johns song. i already read the responses from anthony and chris (and whoever else... i think those are the names) about the song, but i still have some other things to say about it. anthony, you make fun of daniel POSSIBLY saying he was punk rock because he got hit with a bottle. then you get mad at somebody else for thinking you were serious when you talked about being punk rock yourself. did it ever occur to you that maybe daniel was joking when (and IF) he said he was punk rock?! geez... i don't really care if you like silverchair or not, i do think those lyrics are funny that you wrote, especially the end when you're mocking them. but, don't you guys sort of feel like idiots writing songs about other people sucking when you're no better? i understand it's all a matter of opinion but come on, your music sounds sloppy and the singer doesn't have a good voice at all. at least daniel has a wide range of different singing styles. oh, you were making fun of their song pure massacre. well that song was about something real that happened because he wrote it after watching a show about world war 2 (or some other war). yes it's true that their old lyrics aren't very good. but their new songs ARE personal, get your facts straight, they were originally poems and he turned them into songs.. and thanks to chris for having some respect for the band!
Does this message contain sarcasm?it might...
Date2/28/2000 21:54:35
Locationburlington wa
Commentsstill-in-5th-period.god this class is long. you prabably think imm stalking you now. oh well,what're ya gonna do. the guy next to me just farted and i cant breath!
Favorite YSIB songbhmgh
Most attractive YSIB memberghkgchtgh
Does this message contain sarcasm?nope- im seriuos he farted
Date2/28/2000 21:01:24
Locationburlington wa
Commentshow often do you guys check this thing anyways?
Favorite YSIB songsee last entry
Most attractive YSIB membersee last entry
Does this message contain sarcasm?seelast entry
Date2/28/2000 20:57:44
Locationburlington wa
Commentsright now im in 5th period reading your guys'comment past and present and i think it really kind of funny to see these assholes who are trying to dis you try and have a sense of humor while they're at it. some one should let these people know that they really arent funny and should shut the hell up and let you do your thing its not like they can stop you right?
Favorite YSIB songhavent heard 'em
Most attractive YSIB membersuuuuch a hard choice(dseriously)chrisshannechrisshanechrisshanec hrisshane-which to choose?
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date2/28/2000 20:54:17
Locationmy mom
CommentsI am Shane regan's girlfriend did you know that? I don't think that he does either.
Favorite YSIB songyeah,right
Most attractive YSIB memberSHANE!! duh!
Does this message contain sarcasm?ummmm no
Date2/28/2000 07:17:05
Locationburlington, wa
Commentsnever heard your music but heather hodgin(friend of chris')said you guys are review-shanes hot. really, i mean extremely hot.shane,honey if you get this, write me. and dont worry im not an ugly chick.
Favorite YSIB songdunno-i worship daniel johns though but every one has their own opinion.
Most attractive YSIB membershaneshaneshaneshaneshaneshaneshaneshaneshaneshane
Does this message contain sarcasm?no-im totally serious, i want shane to write
Date2/24/2000 21:04:03
Commentscool i have bad grammar
Date2/23/2000 20:46:22
Commentswow. people still hate you guys. jeez i tried submitting the zeroten site to yahoo, but of course it sucks too much to get on such a fine search engine, but you know what does show up when you search for zeroten? Thanks and Links -- Why Should I? Because - Chixdiggit! -- We bla bla bla. yeah. thanks, i guess.
Favorite YSIB songthey're all too good to choose a favorite
Most attractive YSIB memberi'd have to say anthony is especially cute
Does this message contain sarcasm?NO. NEVER!
Date2/23/2000 20:37:43
CommentsOK, first off, your lyrics absolutely suck and I can't believe how pathetic enough you guys are to waste your time writing about something you hate. If you hate it, then why the fuck are you writing about it? That's completely really is. It's sooo stupid it's funny. And I heard you said some shit about Daniel and how much he eats? What kind of prick are you to say that? You have no fucking business in saying shit about Daniel. He is fucking GOD compared to you assholes. LEARN HOW
Favorite YSIB songSONGS????? UHH NOOO....
Does this message contain sarcasm?NOT A BIT
Date2/23/2000 07:59:57
LocationCINCITY (Cincinnati dumbass)
Commentsfuck you guys i hope you all die ha ha ha no no no no no.......
Favorite YSIB songlet's play coprorate rock
Most attractive YSIB memberi don't know and nor do i care
Does this message contain sarcasm?some
Date2/16/2000 20:31:43
NameAngela Mapes
CommentsHey guys! Awesome site. Where is Shane? Is Shane dead? Is Shane alive? Is Shane real? Was Shane real? Is Shane here? Is Shane there? Is Shane anywhere? Hmmmmm I wonder where Shane is. I think he's dead. Yeah that's it ....he's dead.
Favorite YSIB songuhhhhh "song?"
Most attractive YSIB memberSHANE
Does this message contain sarcasm?hmmmmmmmmmm...lemme think....comment box contains much sarcasm...attractive box does not...
Date2/14/2000 20:51:16
Namekevin penny
Commentsyou suck ass
Date2/12/2000 19:33:28
LocationOlympia WA
CommentsGeschlecht- und Zukunftsromane -- die vollkommene Neigung. Ich wuensche mein Robotermaedchen. Lippenstift und Leitungen -- meine mein nur zutreffender Wunsch. Ich wuensche mein Robotermaedchen. sicheres Geschlecht durch Schaltkreis -- wir haben die Technologie
Favorite YSIB songNo
Most attractive YSIB memberNo
Does this message contain sarcasm?Yes
Date2/12/2000 19:27:41
CommentsOuch, you guys... Don't wanna be (Daniel Johns) is at 2355 on I know you can do better than that!
Favorite YSIB songdon't wanna be
Most attractive YSIB memberwhoever is reading this
Does this message contain sarcasm?occasionally
Date2/3/2000 04:12:14
Commentsthis fucking gb cut my last comment! oh dammit.....I should have read ur note up there .....oh well......moving on.....I just wanted to say that I read the faq (don't ask me why) and that .......all I have to say is........SHUT UP!..
Favorite YSIB songwhat the hell is that?!!?!?!
Most attractive YSIB memberthat one
Does this message contain sarcasm?no way!
Date1/31/2000 01:38:11
Commentshell yeah there's a good pusa page up there!! mine!!!! ...moving on......I totally love sc, but I sure got a good laugh from that johns song....I don't get why ppl got so pissed.... and oh yeah, I don't think u guys have to worry, cause u'll never write lyrics like daniel!!...don't take this the wrong way though.....u guys have some great lyls...=) u care..and oh yeah, that joke that one of u made on how u eat more in one day than johns eats in his life time was waaaaaay low.......lower th
Favorite YSIB songwhat's ysib??
Most attractive YSIB member*see answer above*
Does this message contain sarcasm?no way.......what makes you think that??
Date1/31/2000 01:34:00
CommentsThis was a great site. I really enjoyed it. Keep it up guys.
Does this message contain sarcasm?not at all
Date1/28/2000 15:05:53
LocationTacoma, Washington
CommentsMy friend Charlene knows you guys and told me to go to this site. Don't know you, never talked to you, so what much can I say? You're all kinda cute, but semi-punk. Deep Fried Denise is awesome, glad to see you guys have heard of them. I have their cd, and since I do photography have about a 100 pics of them.
Favorite YSIB songthe one about me
Most attractive YSIB memberthe one that likes me
Does this message contain sarcasm?no way jose!!!
Date1/26/2000 06:16:57
LocationAberdeen, WA
Commentsumm yeah, i think that you guys are on yer way, i think, i only heard one song but um that's okay, well um, bye
Favorite YSIB songiono yet Shane hasn't sent me the address to get a tape yet...
Most attractive YSIB memberShane
Does this message contain sarcasm?nope uhhh wait i lied, i think it does...
Date1/20/2000 08:24:32
CommentsHOly guys are so fucking gay. im in shock..your songs suck ass..i cant believe you can call yourself a band..i can fart better songs than your Band..oh ya, you name is pretty gay to..Why should i say this..Because you suck
Favorite YSIB songthe one that has no sound
Most attractive YSIB memberyour all ugly
Does this message contain sarcasm?no
Date1/19/2000 18:27:53
Commentshey, ur band is great and shane u know me we talk on aol all the time so band e-mail me.
Favorite YSIB songMusterd on my mouth
Most attractive YSIB memberShane
Does this message contain sarcasm?What?
Date1/18/2000 01:14:31
LocationFormally Federal Way,.... Currently Puyallup WA.
CommentsHey Shane! ~Lookin' hot as usual. hehe Anyways.. I just figured I'd do something with my time, Plus I've been meaning to come back to your page anyways. Keep Up the good work. ~Little Love Goddess~
Most attractive YSIB member*Winks* he knows who he is!
Does this message contain sarcasm?No not at all ....
Date1/12/2000 03:36:06
NameKristen the love goddess
LocationCalifornia. Or Arizona. Take your pick.
CommentsHello. Just wanted to kill time and fill up some space in your stupid punk wannabe guestbook. Since you guys are such wannabes. You suck. I think that the one guy, Chris, looks like a total goon in the pictures. What a nerd. I'll bet he goes to some lame college now, like Arizona State, 'cause it's a big loser school. Um, ok, that's all I wanted to say. The End *Kristen*
Favorite YSIB songDon't know, sorry
Most attractive YSIB memberI confess, I pretend to dislike Chris to mask the deep passion I feel for him. He's hot!!
Does this message contain sarcasm?perhaps
Date1/8/2000 04:16:02
Locationgood question
CommentsI'd like to make it a point that I watched your whole set!! go team. You guys were quite fun to watch and sing the few lyrics I knew. I missed ya boys.
Favorite YSIB songHow can I choose when they are all so great. I liked the one chair stealing song, bsb hahah
Most attractive YSIB memberVoid
Does this message contain sarcasm?not really
Date1/5/2000 03:10:29
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